Monday, 30 April 2012

The A-Z of Me.

I'm not gonna lie, I've led a very boring life the past few weeks.
Between being ill and revision for exams- it's left little time to be exciting and gain embarrassing stories for you all to chuckle at!

So I decided to take a little inspiration from one of my favourite bloggers, Etienne- Etienne is one of the most beautiful writers I've ever witnessed (and I read ALOT of books), she has such a way with words. You're gonna have to go check her out to see it for yourself, but seriously- she has such talent.
Etienne has an A-Z feature and does beautiful posts about her chosen subject beginning with that letter. 
Mine wont be the same, mine will be more random I suppose, more me. But the original idea came from Etienne and she deserves all the credit :)

So onto A

A is for acceptance. 
The action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.
Acceptance is a massive thing in everyone's lives. 
We all long to be accepted, in our family, with our friends, with everything we do. 
Nobody wants to be the one person on the outside who doesn't feel part of it, but yet we've all felt like we are at some point or another. But when we're not that person, does that mean that we're making someone else be on the outside? 
You see, I live in a flat with 5 people, 2 we don't talk to my guy best friend, and my best friend in the whole world..and another girl.
At the start we were all best friends, us 4. We were family, but after a couple of weeks it seemed like I was on the outside of that, of the two girls anyway. I missed out on all the in jokes, somehow missed out on being one of them, I was outside.
After a few more weeks, one of the girls got a boyfriend, and spent a lot of time with him back home. So we got closer as a 3. 
Now we're a family of 3 and the other girl is on the outside, yes it was her fault (she acted in ways you couldn't imagine) but she's still on the outside. And nobody wants that.

Being accepted is a must have by human nature, if we're not accepted - then we don't feel good enough for them.
But you know what? We were made how we are and that's the way it should be. 
Maybe we have to find a few bad friends a long the way. 
But we sure are gonna find some amazing ones too, ones that we'll be with forever. 
As long as we're accepted by the ones we love, who cares?

In other news, I'm still trekking to and from the doctors in an attempt to get better.
So what did I do to try and make myself better?
I got peer pressured into dying my hair! 
My best friend dyes hers all the time and was re-doing it this weekend, and whilst I was chatting to her about it, she managed to convince me to do mine.
After hearing so many horror stories about allergic reactions and things I made certain that I did a skin test properly and safely before anything else.
I was so nervous too- I'd never dyed my hair before, and didn't want it to go wrong. But I figured I'm only young once, so what did I have to lose (apart from the obvious). 

So I'm not gonna lie, I'm quite relieved it's very subtle and in some lights you can't tell. 
Baby steps eh?

It's a very dark shade of Red. Which you can only see in certain lights- otherwise it just looks a darker brown. I'm pretty pleased with it, I've still got my hair, and my eyes are normal size (a side effect was swollen eyes!)

I'll be doing my A-Z sporadically when I don't have an interesting life, hope that's okay :)

Love, Elizabeth xx

Friday, 27 April 2012

On the road to recovery.

Another massive thank you for all the get well messages. I appreciate each and every one of them.
This week has been another struggle but you've made it a lot easier with your kind words :)

I'm going to continue with my feature of my week in instagrams, however I haven't got too many as I was in hospital for some of the week!

1) My friend Iain 'attempted' to build a pyramid out of cards whilst waiting for the hospital to ring me back, he got one layer from the top each time and gave up haha.

2) My attachment in hospital.

3) My very large pile of pain killers.

4) I had a moment of nostalgia of Russia, a very happy time.

5) The very horrible weather we experienced this week.

6) My parents were determined to make me eat, so bought me food and wouldn't leave until I ate it haha, it worked.

7) The guilty shopping trip my parents took me on.

8) Same as the meal, find any way to make me eat.

9) Our very lovely walk along the beach :)

As you know, I was in hospital- and that was horrible. But it was made better by my friends constant love around me. One thing I did miss though, was my parents.
Being so far away from home and them was really hard, and I know that they felt it too.
Everytime I was on the phone to my mum she's break down and even my dad was noticeably upset- something which never happens.
So they came to visit on Thursday, and one of the first things they said was 
"You don't hate us do you? Don't resent us? Will still talk to us?"
It really broke my heart thinking that they'd thought like that.
I know I say how lovely it is to see my family when I'm home, but it was so good to see them.

After we'd been out on Thursday, we went back to their Premier Inn and I was curled up on their bed before we went out to dinner and had both of their arms round me. 
For that moment I felt safer then words could say. 

Anyway, since coming out of hospital, I've been really weak and sick. The pain has gone but I can only eat when forced (which was my parents mission!) and either sleep 12/13 hours or none at all. So we couldn't go too far. On Thursday we industrial estate hopped, which is a lot more fun then it sounds. There are estates with massive shops on one main road which you can't get to unless you have a car, cue parents. So we visited all the home shops and picked out our favourites, and wandered around, it was really nice as it wasn't something I could do any other day, as we couldn't get to them, so it made it really special.

On Friday we went shopping for my nan's birthday present (and saw the xfactor auditions in Bangor highstreet!), to the pier and beach. It was lovely spending time with them again.

As my parents weren't around whilst I was in hospital, they were feeling mega guilty- so they took me shopping! What lovely parents they are :)
Unfortunately, it's now been a week since I've been able to eat properly, so I 've lost a lot of weight so I had a hard time finding clothes to fit!

But this is what my parents bought me :)

Shoes: Matalan - £10                                          Dress: Henry Holland in Debenhams - £20

I absolutely LOVE the dress. And as soon as I'm well again, I'll be wearing it on a night out!!! 

I was in dire need of some new shoes, I've thrown away 2 pairs in 2 weeks due to holes :(

Note my mum's very fashionable yellow coat haha.

Finally, welcome to all my new followers!! I promise I will get round to commenting back and checking out all your blogs, things are just taking a bit longer now!

How is everyone else? xxx

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

My time in Hospital.

So this blog is about my life, what I wear, what I do. But ultimately my life.
And I try to be as honest as I can at all times, because you are my friends, and you are a really big part of my life. So here it goes.

I guess it's hard to describe pain, cause there is no way you can kinda transfer that feeling into words but Saturday morning at 4:15am, I felt pain like I never had before. 
I genuinely thought I was dying, I was begging God to let me live (yes a little OTT, but it was early and I hurt). I began saying sorry for all  the things that I've ever done, hoping that would spare me some pain.
That's how it started.

I'm not going to go into too much detail of what happened, as they are private and I will spare you the uncomfortable reading.

On Saturday evening I was admitted into hospital for severe pain and sickness, I was beyond scared.
I was put into a ward full of old ladies who needed the nurses at every beck and call as they were unable to do anything for themselves. As I'm in Wales, all the ladies spoke Welsh, and the nurses spoke Welsh back to them. 
The feeling of isolation was unreal.
My best friend Zara was allowed to stay with me for a while, but was told to go and get my things from home. So I was alone. 
Being 18, in a ward where they were speaking Welsh for the majority, and so far away from home and from my parents. Even now I'm getting teary thinking back to how scared and alone I felt.

I spent Sunday and Monday in hospital, almost constantly on a drip. 
For the majority of the time, I wasn't allowed to eat or drink and the one meal time I was allowed- I took two bites and couldn't stomach it. So on top of my pain and other sickness - I pulled muscles in my chest from vomiting too much (sorry for graphicness).
Hospitals are noisy places, and bright, especially at night. I got about 4 hours sleep over the time I was in hospital. It was a horrible horrible time. I had so many blood test done, and constantly had a needle in me taped onto my arm. Whilst on a drip, I couldn't moved more than 10cm, so all I could do was lay there in pain. What made it worse, was that I didn't have dignity.
 Whilst attached I obviously couldn't go far- meaning I had to use a sick bowl for my constant sickness.

How I was for the majority of my time in hospital

I'm now at home- and I thank God for that.
It was one of the hardest times of my life. But I believe that I was given the best friends in the world to deal with it in.
I've spoken so much about my friends before, how amazing they are. But I really cannot tell you enough how incredible they were. There were only 2 visiting hours a day, but each and every one of those hours they were there waiting to be let in at the door, and stayed until they were thrown out.
They bought me so many things to keep me busy, and not let me get bored (ofc I did anyway). They bought me flowers, so much chocolate and sweets (which are waiting for me to get better to eat!), books, dvds, magazines. Everything I could have ever wanted. 
One of my friends put a message onto the Facebook page of my CU, and also told my church that I was in hospital. I received so many prayers and well wishes, it helped me get through the time I was alone.
I genuinely can't put into words the thanks I have for my friends, and family. Their support was unreal.

My flowers

I also have another thank you, to you.
I have my comments on my blog emailed to me, and I get emails on my phone. The comments which you left on my previous post- although it was completely unrelated, really helped me. Knowing that you were reading and appreciating it, it really really helped.
I also put that I was in hospital on my twitter, and those of you that sent messages and well wishes- thank you so much. You really did help me.

So I'm out of hospital, still unwell. They managed to find out what was wrong with me. 
Not everyone I know found out so I'm not sure I want to tell blogger either. 
I lost a lot of blood through what happened, so am still feeling very weak and sick. But I'm at home and not in a hospital. And that's what I'm focusing on now.

Thank you again for helping me through all of this - give me a week and I'm hoping I'll be a lot better.

Love, Elizabeth xx

Friday, 20 April 2012

Instagram my love.

I thought I'd begin a little feature if that's alright.
Since I've gotten my iPhone I 've quickly fallen in love with Instagram (a long with the rest of the world)
So I thought I'd do a week in Instagram pictures, I love being nosey seeing these posts on other blogs, so I thought you might like to see mine :)
If you follow me on twitter, then you might have seen a couple of these already. 
(if not, why not? I'd love to follow you too! @_lizabethstone)
And if you'd love to see these when they actually happen, my instagram's: lizinadream

1) Me and Zara had been revising all day (well, I'd slept for half of it and then did some work) so we treated ourselves to a meal in the bar. And shared a brownie, that's love.

2) I had a craving for Costa, so we left for ou lecture early to get one. It made accounting bareable.
(Chocolate Creamy Cooler if you're interested)

3) Zara and I in Occy on Weds night.

4) We made our mark (in Sharpie) on our friend's shoes.

5) Revising hard in the library.

6) The beautiful view that has been greeted me this week outside my building. The snow's back!

7) I had a jelly bear in a packet of Dolly Mixtures!

8) My attempt of hanging fairy lights (they're on properly now)

9) Cookie and cream cheesecake. Lush.

And an OOTD for you! These were taken at 10:30pm, hence the very 'worn' look.

Jeans: Primark
Jumper: Miso (brother got it for me for Christmas, aren't you impressed - he chose it all by himself!)

Hope you all have laaaaaavely weekends :) xxx

Thursday, 19 April 2012

She's had a mare

Yes Ladies (and I'm assuming there's no gentlemen haha), I am having what is technically knows as a 'mare'.
Urban Dictionary: Short for "nightmare". Bad luck. Unfortunate circumstances.
(not a horse, if some of you thought it was that one)
It's been one of those weeks, a mare of a week.
It's not been the best start to uni ever, and I dread to think what's to come if this is the start!
It's been total first world problems, so I shouldn't complain at all, but you know what? This is my blog and I'm going to haha.

So we'll start on Monday, I didn't have lectures -great. So I spent the whole day in the library with some pervy guy just staring at me allllll day, I would have moved, if it wasn't the only seat.
You know those hours where EVERYTHING goes wrong? I had that, whilst cooking. I dropped 2 plates of food, burnt myself twice, smashed a plate and glass. Wasn't great.
Unfortunately, I do suffer from an illness, which isn't a constant thing and doesn't generally affect me day to day - but it decided that this was the week to make my life a living hell.
I spent Monday night curled up eating my Easter egg and watching Hollywood7.

Tuesday, I felt worse. I know there are so many people in worse positions than me, but it still isn't nice. I had so many lectures and I'm pretty sure I learnt nothing, it was all revision so that just made me panic making me think I knew nothing! 
I also superglued my fingers together, it wasn't fun.
We were due to go out on Tuesday as a 'Pink house night out' (we're living in a pink house next year! :D) but as I was ill, and one o my other future housemates has the flue we called it off. To be fair, it was a hilarious night in every aspect. You see, me and Zara were curled up watching tv in her room, and then we heard some ridiculously loud yelling outside her window. So we looked up to see what was happening, and we saw Creepy Nick (Please comment if you're unaware of Creepy Nick, I will explain haha), he saw us, looked so bemused, staggered around a bit and fell over. He was the drunkest I've ever seen him and it was so funny.
One of our friends is an amazing baker, and to cheer me he invited us round for some chocolate shortbread. He has the funniest flatmates ever, so we sat around laughing and joking for hours. Until we made a booboo. Uh huh, in our banter, Zara just kinda screamed something about our friend that he promised us we'd never tell, especially to his flatmates. It is unfortunate cause the thing that we weren't allowed to tell is the funniest thing EVER. And his flatmates thought so too! We laughed so hard, whilst our friend got very embarrassed. We made a swift exit after that, after feeling so bad.
We promised we'd make it up to him (fearing he'd never even look at us ever again) and then went home to watch Bridget Jones. I'm not kidding, I have been tempted to sing 'All by myself' like Bridget many a time haha.

So Wednesday was yesterday, still feeling ill but now armed with lots of new medication, we powered onto lectures and got through the day.
We also made apology cookies for our friend, we even spelt sorry on them! 
The baking tray is disgusting I know, it wasn't mine- that's all I'm saying. 

However what I haven't mentioned is that throughout the whole week my Internet/laptop has been broken. It's been ridiculous. You see we have wired Internet in halls, and we've downloaded software to turn our laptops into a wifi hotspot (its called connectify if anyone's wondering), so we can have wifi on our phones and around the flat. But my laptop has been the hotspot, so as my laptop has't worked, neither has the wifi. Meaning our phones are pretty much useless cause of the lack of signal in our halls.
I'm not sure what the attraction about hitting the keyboard it, but apparently I do it alot to the 'f' key. My f has decided not to work, yeah. Unhelpful when you have assignments to write, when my laptop has decided to work this week, (very sporadically), I've had A LOT of wavy red lines cause I just miss out the f haha. I've had to copy and paste an f for the purpose of this little blog haha.

So with no technology, my phone was being stupid and freezing as well as not working with signal/Internet, feeling very awful, and lots of revision (and flat problems but this is neither the time or place). The only thing that seemed logical to me, was to dose up on medicine and go out and enjoy myself! There was a beach themed party in one of the clubs last night, and there was 7 tonnes of sand. 
Yep, 7 tonnes. That's a lot of sand. 
I was sensible and wore flat shoes cause I knew I would be the person falling over, but also ended up with half a beach within my shoes and therefore in my room last night. 
Despite all of the drama that happened  (isn't there always?) I had a really good night, it was so good to spend time with Zara and Dan again. I realised why they were my best friends in the whole wide world <3

So through all of that, of course I had to wear clothes, so I did a few OOTD's for you:

Just look at that fake smile eh!
So, shorts: Matalan
Tights: Tesco (aren't they cool?!)
Top: Varsity
Jumper: Primark
I did a close up so you could see the tights, they're proper stripey haha! Small things..

So these are my new jeans! I've always been a bit wary of turning up the bottom cause I always imagine you have cold ankles haha. But i'm braving it today. Saying that, I haven't actually gone out yet, so we'll see how long it lasts!
Jeans: Peacocks
Vest: H&M
My hair was wet, hence its wild state. 

That was a long, very ranty post. 

 You see, through all the illness, crappyness of this week, I shouldn't complain. 
2 years ago today, I lost a good friend. 
He's a very bright shining star in the sky now, and I know he was too good to be in this world, that's why God had to take him away. It doesn't get any easier as years go. But he'll always be remembered.
This little bit of space on the internet right now is for him.

Lots of love, xxx

Monday, 16 April 2012

Awards and thank yous.

I was awarded 2 more awards :) 

You're such lovely ladies out there, you make me smile so!

First up is The Blogger Appreciation Award

I was awarded this one by Tia at Bellezzababe :)
She is one beautiful girly! I have total blogger envy over her way of writing when it comes to beauty, her posts are honest and true and written with a flair.
She's a girl after my own heart as she puts together posts about hotel toiletries (we all steal them and treasure them right?) and I love her most recent feature of her wishlist!
I'd love you to go check her out, shes a very very lovely girly (she also has amazing hair!!!)

As I had this award not too long ago, I shall link back to the previous award :)

Next up, I've been awarded a very very lovely award, one I'd not heard of, and it came all the way from Australia!! (I was very excited haha)
This one is the One Lovely Blog Award
I was given this from sweetaholic-beauty! She is a beautiful lady from Melbourne, Australia!
Her blog is amazing, no joke. The pure beauty content of it all is so good. Her posts about products are really helpful and useful and makes me lust over products I can't get in the UK. She is a lovely lovely girl, no wonder she got this award!

The Rules:
List 7 facts about yourself
Nominate other bloggers for this award

1) When I look up at the sky and see a plane I make up where they're going and what they're gonna do there, secretly wishing I was doing it too!
2) I dream that one day I'll be able to save people's lives, or improve them dramatically through my work,
3) In my actual physical dreams, I have the weirdest ones ever. The latest weird one was that I gave birth to twins, then they started talking like 10 seconds later...and then turned into bulldogs in my arms, weird huh.
4) Whenever I hear an ambulance siren I always pray that they're gonna be okay.
5) I take myself too seriously a lot of the time.
6) When I'm in bed at uni I pretend I'm in bed at home, it makes me go to sleep peacefully.
7) I'd love a tattoo which says 'Love' in Hebrew on my back, but I'm too scared of needles!

The bloggers I'm nominating areeeeee:

I just kept it at two this time, cause in my mind this is an extra special award for two extra special bloggers :)

I'd love to say a massive thank you to all my followers, old and new. 
I passed the 100 followers mark last week and its just really overwhelming knowing that people really are reading my blog like I read theirs.
I've had a particularly rubbish day today, but reading the comments on here really have cheered me up, so thank you from the bottom of my heart :)

I'm off to find my chocolate, PJ's, and find a film. I'll be doing a proper update soon when I've done something interesting!!

Loveeee xxx

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Packing and the Mushroom/Beetroot incident.

So I'm back! Yes, back to the land of rain and sheep, Bangor. 
Packing was a nightmare. I packed to go home really well (I thought anyways) and my suitcase shut first time and everything, so I was expecting the same things on the way back. I didn't buy too much so I thought it'd be easier.
Boy was I wrong, either my clothes got 5x thicker whilst at home, or I ended up with more stuff than I thought, either way it took a lot of attempts to pack.
I did it yesterday morning, and after about an hour I eventually got my case to shut after a vacuum pack bag and me sitting on my case. 
So what did I think would be a really sensible idea? Yep, I went shopping. 
So I went shopping and bought a few bits, emphasis on the few, I was very restrained!
However when I came home with my mum started packing again, well, it took both me and my mum, some major reorganising and another 2 hours. But I was eventually packed! 
I didn't know packing could be so complicated, apparently it can!

So as I said I picked up a few bits, to be fair I'd had my eye on all of these, so I figured they were alright to buy.
 I bought these gorgeous electric blue jeans (the colour doesn't really come out) from Peacocks, they're regular skinny jeans, but I fancied something a little different for me. 
They were £16, but with student discount I got them for £14.40
I realise I just said it rained a lot in Wales, and its hardly even sunglasses weather, but they were only a pound and I couldn't resist! I love the star detail on the front and side, hopefully we'll have some more sun soon :) From Primark

 I love this top purely for the moustache, it's a little cropped on my when it's tied up, but I think I'll wear it with my more high waisted jeans/shorts so I wont be flashing :) £4.00 from Primark
And I bought these for £2.00 in Primark. I've been feeling a little uninspired in the earring department recently, but wearing the same ones over and over, so I bought these to try and add a bit of colour and sparkle into the mix. 

So as I said I was back, and I was greeted by my best friend in the whole wide world at the station which was lovely! And this was under my door!  
We've got a bit of a thing about the Yeo Valley adverts, one of the farmers is hot and the songs really catchy so this is now plastered on my wardrobe :)

I finally bought my USB fairy lights to uni, so now I have a colourful laptop, it really makes it seem a bit more homely and cheerful :)

Now, what's one of my blog posts without an embarrassing story eh? 
So I'd been back in Bangor for only an hour and me and Zara went to Morrisons so I could get some food, cause obviously being away for 3 weeks meant I had none. So we did all our shopping and then we went to the self serve checkout, and I had some sausages that just wouldn't scan through so I kept on doing a few more items and then trying them again..and it went on like that till I had 2 more items left. These sausages and some lose mushrooms which I had in a bag. 
As you do, I tried to find the 'Mushroom' clicky bit to weigh them and then continue, but for the life of my could not at all. I clicked loose vegetables, loose fruit, world foods, non weigh items - but I genuinely couldn't see Mushrooms anywhere. So I was clicking around, all the while a queue is forming and I was under pressure and I accidentally pressed beetroot! So I was like panicking, trying to cancel the beetroot but ofc you can't on a self serve. 
I thought about leaving it but then thought "if the beeper goes off I'm gonna have to explain why I have mushrooms instead of beetroot! I'll go to jail!" at which point Zara had joined me and just stood there laughing whilst I was trying to figure out what to do. 
So eventually the assistant (who was quite hot I might add) came over and I was trying to explain my beetroot/mushroom predicament but was laughing at the same time so it came out like "gjrkdshgjkdrbeetroomhahahjugkfngdkjmushroomhaahhaha". He looked me in the eye, with such sincerity, and said "You thought mushrooms were beetroot?" 
 I was at this point the colour of beetroot myself. 
He took a very large sigh, and tried to cancel my beetroot and enter in Mushrooms (I wish I was paying attention as to where he found the clickery thing) all the while trying to explain the different between a mushroom and a beetroot. 
Eventually he left, laughing in desperation and pity for me.
Guess what? My sausages wouldn't scan.
He had to come back over, look at me like I was an even bigger idiot than before, and scan in my sausages for me. 
Welcome back to Bangor.

Hope you're having lovely weekends!

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Queueing...and more queueing.

So Tuesday didn't really go according to plan. 
It was gonna be so exciting too- we were going to see Russell Howard's Good News being filmed.
Emphasis on the were
I love Russell Howard, he's hilarious, and the fact that he's funny makes him attractive, a girls gotta laugh right? 
I'm not sure whether you know, but you can apply to be in the audience of TV shows and get tickets for free, just cause they need people to be there, to laugh when they're supposed to laugh and make the atmosphere. 
It's such a good deal, it just requires a lot of queueing. Yeah, so the general idea is that they give out more tickets to the show than they have seats so they definitely fill all the available seats and there's no gaps (which obviously wouldn't look great on TV), so they advise you to get there 'early'. Depending on what show it is depends on how early you've gotta get there. 
More popular shows it'd be advisable to get there reaaaallly early (like 3/4 hours) before the doors open, other you can suffice with just 2 hours. 
I've been very fortunate to get tickets for quite a lot shows, 2 years ago we just went through 2 months or so where we saw like one a week, but again, that's a lot of waiting.

Not the last series but the one before, me and my mum were in the audience of the first Xfactor live show- the doors opened at 6. What time did people start queueing? At 9am! Yep, people were so desperate to be in the front that they got up so early for that. I think we joined the queue at 12, and we were about 10 people forward of not being let in, in the back row. Obviously we had a great view, but we queued for 6 hours and nearly didn't make it in. Thats ridiculously lots of queueing.

However for others, not that much queueing is required, we went to see 'Mark Watson kicks off', ever heard of it? Nope, neither had I. It was such a rubbish programme, but we turned up about an hour before the doors opened and we were first in the queue, front row haha. It was still rubbish though. 
Myself, my mum and my brother were in the audience of 'The Cube' and we only waited for an hour for that and were still fairly close to the front. And I'm sure you've heard of Sarah Millican, the comedienne, we went to a recording of 'Sarah Millicans support group', which is a radio programme, (also hilarious) and we managed to be the first in the queue for that too!

So, we knew Russell Howard was gonna be a long queue, cause it's Russell Howard and it's the Easter holidays. Which meant only one thing...lots and lots of young people. 
Our plan was to get there at half 3, with the doors opening at 6. 
But we were happily sitting on the Central Line when we stopped, and the overhead tannoy person said "A person is under a train at Acton and we will not be moving for a very long time". Oh great. 
So we did, we waited for a while and we didn't move. So we got on another Tube line which took like 100million times slower than a normal train, and by the time we got there..well, there were lots of people in front of us. 
Undeterred we joined the queue (I guess total stereotypical English people eh?) and waited.
And waited. And waited.
When we left the house, it was brilliant sunshine. However the weather kind of turned on us, it started raining, then hailing, and then thunder and lightening...we ended up rather wet, cold and miserable.
 About 6oClock a lady came around with a clipboard saying we were on 'standby'- meaning we weren't guaranteed entry. So we waited some more in the rain, at half 7, the lady came back saying "we still don't know whether you're getting in"- bear in mind the filming was supposed to start at 7. And at 10 to 8, we'd gotten so close, there were 10 people in front of us waiting to get, we were actually on the studio grounds. And the Ticket Lady appeared and told us we weren't getting in, but could have priority tickets for another showing. 
But I go back to university on Saturday (you got that right, you'll have loads more embarrassing stories from me haha) so I wont be able to go to another. Bummer.
That was my Tuesday, lazy? yes. Disappointing? yes. 

However, as we left at like half 2ish, it gave me plenty of time to get ready, which of course by the time we got rained/hail/stormed on, I looked horrific anyways haha. 

 I am aware these are posey posey, but I was having really awful trouble finding a place in my house where the lighting wasn't rubbish, so I gave up and just looked in the mirror. Will be back to my usual uni room set up very soon (eeeeeee, I cannot wait to go back! :D) 
Dress: New Look
Belt: Peacocks
Tights: Tesco

I know- EVEN did a FOTD too!
Eyeliner- Collection 2000: Extreme 24hr felt tip liner
Mascara-Collection 2000:Extreme Coloured Lengthening Mascara
Concealer-Collection 2000: Lasting Perfection
Lipstick - Barry M: 151 'Sunset'
Necklace - H&M Best Friends

I realise this has been very long..but a NOTD for you too :)
All About Nails -99p Tesco (Bargain or what!) 'Southseas'
Duo Nail Art Pen - £1.50 Primark White

That was my Tuesday- we were sat on the train at half 8 going home, and my mum summed it up perfectly 
"It's half 8, we're tired and hungry, we've achieved nothing....let's go to the fish and chip shop"
Wise words from my mother, so that's what we did :)
note- my parents had come straight from work, they actually had achieved lots of things in their day..I hadn't haha. 

Hope you had more thrilling Tuesdays then me!

Monday, 9 April 2012

The whole world and his dog.

So I finally caved in and went shopping again, I was again determined to go and buy things!
I even sold my old phone for shopping money, this could not be wasted!

Look familiar? That's cause the whole world and his dogs got this jumper.
I'm never usually one to follow the crowd and particularly buy anything 'in style', but for this I made an exception. Maybe it's just where I've been living, but these jumpers are very much a staple for many a wardrobe, and now mine!
I started lusting over other people's jumpers, and soon realised I must own one.
This one I bought from Primark, for £12, it's a guys one. They do sell women's versions for £8, but not in this colour and I had my heart set on it! 
Now I look like everyone else haha!

Whilst scouting Primark, as you do, I found the most gorgeous and for only £5? I had to buy it!
Yes, I am aware the two pictures are completely different colours! 
It's actually more like the left picture, technically called 'brick'. The bows are navy blue and the fasten at the back is a little button with elastic. 
It really is gorgeous in my opinion, I couldn't resist for only £5.
I will definitely be doing an OOTN when I wear this dress back in Bangor :)

So as I've mentioned soooo many times, I love the zoo!
And guess where I went on Thursday? That's right, the zoo :)
As I'm home it was my treat to go, and although it was freeeeeezing, it was still really good fun! 
I really am fascinated by all the animals, of course there was the typical mating animals eeeeeeeverywhere. Is it me or does that only happen when it'll make things awkward ha. 
Let's just saw those otters were having the time of their lives!
We saw the tigers being fed, and it was amazing to see how they used their (skip if you're squeamish) teeth and claws to rip open the chickens and get to their insides to the bits that they wanted to eat.
Anyway, this is what I wore :

Jumper: Primark
Top: Plain white 
Jeans: Primark
Scarf: Generic black pashmina 

Like I said, it was so so so cold, so the jumper and scarf came in very handy :)
A couple of pictures of the zoo
So as most of you will know that picnik is closing down (boooooooo) so I decided to redesign my banner whilst it's still around. I hope you like :) I used all my own pictures this time, rather than ones I found on the internet- so it felt more like it was mine! 
Has anyone found a replacement photo editing website/software yet? I'm sure gonna miss picnic!

I've stayed at my brothers flat this weekend, been introduced to everyone on his course (he's doing a Christian gap year course in Watford) and has such a fab time. I went to 3 church services today, now that's how you do Easter! 
My brothers going to Australia for 3 weeks tomorrow, jealous.
I'm ridiculously tired, and had very little sleep last night cause it was so light (no curtains) and the floor was veeeeeery uncomfortable.
This was meant to be a scheduled post, but I checked last night on my phone that is was alright, and found blogger had completely deleted it! :( 
So this was done in half asleep mode, apologies if it doesn't make sense!

My last post was about my blog awards, and I'd love to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who reads my blog and comments, and especially left some really lovely ones about the awards. 
They make me smile so much and it still just amazes me that people find what I ramble on about interesting! 

One last story to leave you on, thankfully this didn't happen to me for once haha!
So the women who does the accounts for my dads company went to LA to work in some soup kitchens and in homeless shelters for a while, this women is very prim and proper, she's always immaculately turned out and thats the way it is. But whilst she was in LA, in her words "I'd been working so hard and getting so tired, sometimes I didn't have time to put my make up on." So one day she was working at a soup kitchen doing whatever she was doing, and a homeless man tapped her on the shoulder and said "hey! You've got to get to the back of the queue like the rest of us!" 
He thought she was homeless, priceless.
It's probably a lot funnier if you know her, but I still find it hilarious.

I hope that has left you with a smile on your face :) xxx

ps- 2 more followers to 100. Mind blown.

Friday, 6 April 2012

I won :)

The past few weeks have been crazy, with it being exams or assignments in Bangor, or coming home to spend time with my family and friends. It's all been so good, however I've neglected my blogging duties greatly. Over this time, I've been very very fortunate enough to win 4 blog awards!! Yep, I've no idea how either. Each time I've won, Ive said I'll do the post very soon, but somehow never get around to it. So this is a uber-mega-long blog award post :) Be warned!

So the first one came courtesy of Tiffeny at!
Tiffeny is such a sweet heart, I love her blog to pieces- she does such honest reviews, and I've picked up many a beauty tip from her! Definitely check her out (as if you're already not following her!)

The Laine Blogger award:
1) Link back to the blogger who awarded you
2) Blog about your award
3) Give this award to 5 bloggers and let them know!

I'm awarding this to:
Becca at backfortea
Rachael at islandgirlinsights
Clarice at thedivamomma

I was awarded the Versatile Blogger Award from the gorgeous Zoe- Lianne at . Zoe- Lianne is a lovely lovely blogger who is very brave going through a spending ban! She blogs with passion and her personality shines through. Check her out nowww :)

Now, to save you from dying of boredom whilst reading this, I will say now. I was very lucky to be awarded the Versatile Blogger Award in February, so I'm going to link the blog post where I did the facts and where I nominated others

So I'm sure you've heard about the Blogger Appreciation Award.
So I couldn't believe my luck when I was awarded it by 2 of my favourite bloggers!
I was given this award by Tiffeny at justtiffeny, and Becca at backfortea! Becca is one of my all time favourite bloggers, you know when you read someone's post but you feel like you know them really well and really get on? Well that's how I feel about Becca (sorry Becca if that sounds weird haha!) She blogs so well, and her flair for writing is obvious. She satisfies my inkling for Lush products and makes me smile every time I read her posts! :)
Check them both outttt!!!

1) Thank the person (or in my case, people) who awarded you, and leave a link on your blog
2) Answer the 4 following questions
3) Award this award to as many people as you'd like
4) Let the people know through a comment/tweet/message

How long have you been blogging?
I've ben blogging since August last year :)

What are 1-2 reasons you started blogging?
I'm not really sure why I started, I'd read blogs for a year or so before and just loved the idea of documenting things. I've always been rubbish with keeping diaries but really wanted to, and seeing as I've always been a bit of a computer geek- an online diary seemed like a good idea :)

What type of blogs do you like to follow/read?
I read mostly beauty blogs, although I'm pretty much hopeless with all things beauty, I seeing fashionable OOTDs so I can steal some ideas is always great. I love reading life blogs, which I guess mine is, maybe cause I'm nosey, but I just love hearing about other peoples lives, I think it's fascinating :)

What is one thing you'd like to improve as a blogger on your blog?
I guess I'd love to be able to write about a wider range of things, I know it's my life and all that so I guess to write about more things I need to do more things. But sometimes I feel like I'm repeating myself a lot haha!

I nominate the following bloggers
Zoe- Lianne at zoeliannex
Laura at adaisychaindream
Rebecca at whatrebeccasaid.blogspot

So thank you to all of you girlies for giving me these awards, I really do appreciate all of you and your comments on my blog.

I hope you're all smiling, Happy Good Friday :)


Monday, 2 April 2012

Horsemen, Knights and Cavaliers.

Gone are the times of tan lines..seriously how does the weather change so quickly?
Cannot believe this time last week I was outside wearing shorts and catching a tan, and today I'm sat inside with jeans and a hoody. Craziness.
Anyway, the weather doesn't dampen our spirits does it, (...much) and life goes on as usual :)

My week was pretty chilled out after my last post, I didn't do anything too exciting, the dentist was the highlight- how sad.
However on Saturday my parents went off to a conference at 7:30am and left me for the day.
And what did I turn to? Continued to watch the Sclub 7 series of course. Since I came home, I've been working my way through all of the tv shows that SClub 7 produced in their hey-day, why? Because I'm excited for their reunion! SClub 7 played a massive role in my childhood, I loved them, I adored them, but most of all...I wished I was them! I always wanted to be Rachel, she was just so amazing in my eyes- a little part of my thought I looked like her, and then I was one step closer to being her!
In reality, I didn't look anything like her apart from the fact that we both have brown hair, but that's besides the point.
I've gotten through Miami7, and now onto LA7 - it's a total productive way to spend my time.

I do have a confession to make though, I failed as a girl and a blogger. I was left, all on my own, with money that I mysteriously found in one of my old purses and I set about into town.
I looked in every single clothes shop there was, and I came out with...nothing, zilch, nada.
I don't know what happened, but everything I looked at I either thought 'It's too expensive for what is is' or 'I'll look like I'm from Essex'.
Don't get me wrong, if I'm in Essex, there is nothing wrong with looking like I'm from Essex...cause it's a fact. However when I'm in Bangor, people get great delight out of taking the mic out of me, and the way I talk..and if I look particularly 'Essex'.
So I try to avoid clothes that'll make me a victim of Essex hate. 

But I persevered like the soldier I was pretending to be, and decided I had to buy something, it was just unnatural if I didn't. So I thought of the one thing I always want, nail varnish.
So off I toddled to Superdrug and found the MUA stand, and again I failed, I walked out with one thing! In desperate need of something to buy I went into primark for the gazillionth time and noticed some nail art pens. I've been on the look out for some for a while but they all just seem too expensive to justify. But I found some cheap Primark ones! For £1.50 you couldn't really go wrong, so I invested in a white nail art pen to test them out before investing in the other colours. 
I went to Asda and bought some felt tips too...what sort of revision is it if you don't have every colour in the rainbow to decorate it with?!
So I bought these

and produced this...

I used: 
Primark Nail Art Pen - White
MUA- Shade 21 
Top Coat - Pound shop brand haha!

The MUA is a gorgeous colour, it's a dark mauve in some lights and brown in others (like above).
I tested out the nail art pen on my accent nails and really like the results, next time I'll be a bit more creative - I just wanted to know what it looked like on :)
Unfortunately the MUA chipped very easily, I applied in Saturday afternoon, by Sunday afternoon I had to reapply to cover up some chips and by today (Monday) I had to take it off completely. 
It's such a lovely shade though, would recommend it for a special day or outfit :)

On Saturday night I went to a youth meeting and we played this hilarious game of knights, horsemen and cavaliers. 
It was like musical chairs where you had to dance when the music was on, and when it stopped someone shouted out either knights, horsemen or cavaliers.
You got into pairs and when knights were called, one of you had to kneel down with one leg up for the other to sit on them, horsemen- one of the pair had to get on all fours whilst the other sat on them, and cavaliers- one person had to lift up the other and carry them. 
 Safe to say it was both hilarious tiring haha!
My best friend was the person I sat on for horsemen/knights but I refused to flatten her by jumping into her arms so she jumped into mine! 
I think we were both impressed by how strong I was haha! 

After the meeting we went to the pub for our friends 21st, this is what I wore:

Shorts: Matalan
Top: New look kids range
Necklace: Topshop
Rings: Republic
(the rings later gave me very green fingers!)

In the spirit of prettiness I thought I'd show you my very pretty phone cover: 

I got it from Amazon for £6.99 - bargain!

I shall be doing an awards post very soon as I've been awarded 3 in the past few days so shall be sharing them out soon this week :D

Hope you're all well 
Your comments on my posts make me smile everyday, I appreciate you lot no end :)
