Apologises for the total lack of blogging recently. I've been so busy!
First things first, welcome to my new followers :) I really appreciate every new follow and every comment!
A quick update of Palefaceredlipstick guy. By now you and half of Wales know about my horrific date, it seems it's a story that keeps on being told by people haha! But he did in fact ask me out again, goodness knows why, I thought he'd have gotten the picture when I ran away! And I was stuck for something to say, I didn't want to be horrible and say no, or to lead him on and say 'I'm busy right now'..so I did all I could think of doing, ignored it. That didn't go well, he text me the next day asking how he'd offended me, and he didn't know he was such a bad date (obviously doesn't realise quite how much he talked about rectal thermometers)
From the advice from one of my best friends (who happened to be a male) I lied to him. How awful, I didn't want to. But I told him that I'd gotten out of a bad relationship with a persistent ex and 'couldn't get into a relationship. He believed me and was fine with it, but replied with a very creepy message "if I ever want to mix it up, I'd love to make pancakes with you ;)" ewww!
First things first, welcome to my new followers :) I really appreciate every new follow and every comment!
A quick update of Palefaceredlipstick guy. By now you and half of Wales know about my horrific date, it seems it's a story that keeps on being told by people haha! But he did in fact ask me out again, goodness knows why, I thought he'd have gotten the picture when I ran away! And I was stuck for something to say, I didn't want to be horrible and say no, or to lead him on and say 'I'm busy right now'..so I did all I could think of doing, ignored it. That didn't go well, he text me the next day asking how he'd offended me, and he didn't know he was such a bad date (obviously doesn't realise quite how much he talked about rectal thermometers)
From the advice from one of my best friends (who happened to be a male) I lied to him. How awful, I didn't want to. But I told him that I'd gotten out of a bad relationship with a persistent ex and 'couldn't get into a relationship. He believed me and was fine with it, but replied with a very creepy message "if I ever want to mix it up, I'd love to make pancakes with you ;)" ewww!
But I'm free from that one.
Last week was my CU's missions week, it went so well. We ran an Open Mic Night, a film night, 4 lunchbars, and 4 evening talks. On the 4th evening I performed the drama I'd been rehearsing for, and it's safe to say all the stress and practising was worth it :) It was filmed so will post a link to the video once I have a copy!
Last week was my CU's missions week, it went so well. We ran an Open Mic Night, a film night, 4 lunchbars, and 4 evening talks. On the 4th evening I performed the drama I'd been rehearsing for, and it's safe to say all the stress and practising was worth it :) It was filmed so will post a link to the video once I have a copy!
In the drama we used a flower as a prop.Strange story no2 coming up.
I was waiting for my friends to rehearse on Thursday before the performance, and who should appear? Parker Pen and Sprinkles guy! He began literally interrogating me about everything, and the noticed I had a flower "....you like flowers?" I explained why I had a flower, and what I was using it for, and ended up inviting him to see the drama because I couldn't explain it anymore! So he went on his way...10 minutes later, he appeared again! And what did he have in his hands? Well it was only 2 bunches of flowers wasn't it...

Yes, they're beautiful. But it's incredibly bizarre.
Whyyyyy do I attract weirdos?! I can't seem to go a week without something like this happening.
So this weekend I went away with the future exec's of the CU. As I've mentioned I've become the new Treasurer, and this weekend away was a chance to be equipped and trained for the role as well as bonding with my team :)
It was such a fab weekend! We spent a lot of time with eachother and got to know some of the other execs from around Wales. I had a total of about 5 hours sleep though, and I'm definitely paying for it now! We went on a walk on Saturday in the sun and managed to get trapped in a field of sheep, cue climbing over fences to get out.. it was hilarious :)
We had a massssive bonfire on Saturday evening, we toasted marshmallows, drank hot chocolate and sang. Was perfection <3

Yes, they're beautiful. But it's incredibly bizarre.
Whyyyyy do I attract weirdos?! I can't seem to go a week without something like this happening.
So this weekend I went away with the future exec's of the CU. As I've mentioned I've become the new Treasurer, and this weekend away was a chance to be equipped and trained for the role as well as bonding with my team :)
It was such a fab weekend! We spent a lot of time with eachother and got to know some of the other execs from around Wales. I had a total of about 5 hours sleep though, and I'm definitely paying for it now! We went on a walk on Saturday in the sun and managed to get trapped in a field of sheep, cue climbing over fences to get out.. it was hilarious :)
We had a massssive bonfire on Saturday evening, we toasted marshmallows, drank hot chocolate and sang. Was perfection <3

So that's been my manic few weeks!
I will be doing my outfits for going out this week soon, counting on the fact I do go out, right now I have a horrible cold! But I'm sure I will :)