Saturday, 30 June 2012

Holiday Haul.

Heeey my lovelies!
I come windswept and conused about the weather! How silly is it! It can't make up it's mind, and when it decides to really rains.
I hope none of you have been affected the the floods!

I thoughts I'd show you some of the bits I've picked up for my holidays, I bought 60 million things to go to Malta last year, so I couldnt justify spending lots of money- so it's just these few little bits :)

My hat! 
I've been on a search for the perfect summer hat for years, the ones I found before were either too expensive or too big. I think I have a smaller head than general hat size haha!
But this one was only £5 from Tesco..what a bargain!
I actually love it, and will hopefully stop my hairline from getting burnt, which always happens.
 Next are these sandals. 
Now we've all had many laughs about my giraffe print tan on my feet...and so has everyone else in the world haha.
But I decided I was not gonna repeat that, cause if I'm away in those sandals, it'll only get worse. So I decided to invest in some with less straps and more feet. To save further embarresment haha.
These were £8 down to £4 in Primark, bargain :)
This is the first packet of Nailwraps I've bought, and I'm not completely sold.
They were only £2.00 from a little one off shop, so no harm done.
The pattern seems a bit Christmassy from a distance, but on further inspection they are actually flowers.
Another thing is that I only got 14 in the packet, what an odd number. It's not 10 for your fingers, not 20 to be able to do toes too..14. 
I guess it's incase you do some wrong, who knows! 
I'll show you the results :)

Since it was summer for a day, I could wear summer clothes!

Skirt: Pineapple
Top: Tesco
Cardigan: Matalan

Hope you're all well :)

Love, Elizabeth xx

Tweet me: _lizabethstone
Instagram me: _lizabethstone

PS- want to guest blog whilst I'm on holiday?
email me


PPS- My spellcheck wasn't working, apologies for any mistakes!

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Dreams Come True in Summer.

We all love Summer right?
The sun (apart from England of course), everybody's happy (except from when it's raining..see afore point), and nice summery clothes are tempting us in the shops!

I guess still being at uni, I still get summer holidays, they're not the 6 weeks that we all grew up with, but instead are scarily long! So my post today is all about summer :)
I love Summer, I have amazing memories of summer when I was younger. 
Back then my dad had a different job working for our church (who valued family and spending time with them, therefore let him go home at a decent time to come home to us :)) and my mum stayed at home to look after me and my brother, which meant we spent a lot of time playing in our garden, playing cards, making dens and forts.
I have a distinct memory of summer, when my dad came home from work every day, and we'd go outside and play football, or chase bubbles. Being happy, the thing we're supposed to do :)

Obviously things change, and we're still happy. 
My brothers doing a year long course away which means he wont be home until September, my dad's at a different job who work him to the bone, and my mums working too. But we're still a close family as we ever were :)

So this Summer, I'm gonna make it one to remember.
I haven't got money, so I'm going to improvise...bring it on.

What I'm looking forward to this Summer:
  • Weddings <3
I love weddings, who doesnt?
I've got two this summer, one this Saturday (I'll remember to do an OOTD!) and one in August.
It's such a privelige to see people get married; it's their one special day to dedicate their lives to being joined together...and we get to see it. How cute!
I go to an astonishingly large amount of weddings, when I was little I went to about 5 a year! I've got a massive extended family, and a big church, that's a lot of weddings! :)
The one on Saturday is for people that I don't know too well, but the Bride means a lot to me- she one of my Sunday school teachers when I was little, and I have the fondest memories of her being so understanding...she was definitely my favourite!
The August wedding is two of my good friends from church, they've been together for about 6 years and being able to grow up with their relationship blossoming was a pleasure to watch...will definitely be an emotional one!

  • Holiday!
    I cannot wait, I'm so excited :)
    Me and my mum have literally not talked about anything else.
    I'm so fortunate to be able to go with my parents, it's going to be so lovely!

    Google Images
    (yep, that's actually where I'm going...I can't believe it!)
  • My Birthday!
    I'm turning 19 this summer! I love that my birthday is in the summer, means I never have to do anything haha, bad thing that everyone usually forgets as it's in the middle of August! But that's okay, I remind the people that matter haha ;)
    The holiday is actually my present, as I said I didn't want anything else but to be able to chill out and get my dad away from work and his phone- so I'm a very lucky girlie.


  • Festivals!
    This year, I'm actually working at one festival, and then going to another straight after.
    I'm working in a cafe, which will be interesting being clumsy haha, but it'll be so much fun! I'm working with one of my friends, and then a whole loads of my friends are coming for the festival that follows.
    Mud, wellies, friends..what more could you want?

  • Adventures!
    Time to get creative :)

    What are you looking forward to this summer?

    Oh! And if you'd like to guest blog for me whilst I'm away, please email me :)

    Love, Elizabeth xx

Monday, 25 June 2012

C is for Carnival!

Instead of doing something deeply profound for my C, I thought I'd tell you about my Saturday :)
C is for Carnival
  1. A period of public revelry at a regular time each year, typically during the week before Lent.
  2. An exciting or riotous mixture of something.
    Except this one wasn't before Lent, but was certainly an exciting and riotous mixture ;) haha
My church decided (Trust me, I would not have made the decision ha) that it would be a good idea to have a float in a carnival on Saturday. To jazz up a truck, put our worship band on it, and then parade through the streets singing! 
Admittedly, it was the beginning! 
We were all full of energy at the start, but everyone who wasn't on the actual float was walking along side it collecting money (for the carnival trust, not us) and handing out leaflets about our children's clubs we hold in the summer.
2.5 miles, that doesn't sound bad at all does it? However when you're walking at a snails pace and stopping every 10 minutes for a delay, it doesn't half make your feet ache!
When we got to the end, I was well and truly tired out. But something that I didn't consider, was that we parked our car at the start of the carnival route....we then had to walk 2.5 miles back to the car! Safe to say, my feet needed a break!

Below is a picture of our float, can't say it was the prettiest, but it got the job done ;)

Some of the floats were really imaginative, and represented a whole load of organisations. However an awful lot of them were Carnival Queens and Princesses. Yep, you heard it.
Theres a whole pageant thing they do through, and then when you're crowned the queen or princess, then you get to go on floats in carnivals all around the country! 
All they do is sit on their float and wave, I'm not sure whether it's incredibly cool (I was a little jealous of their dresses) or just plain weird...

As part of the parade, they had these adorable miniature horses! How cuuuuute!

Now, onto a little more exciting (no offence if you think carnivals are really exciting). 
I can now declare my parents the best in the world, I'm pretty sure we all think that right?
My parents booked a holiday for us 2 weeks :D
I cannot tell you how excited I am, a week in Gran Canaria. 
It shall be bliss!
I'm gonna take up the opportunity to get rid of my giraffe print tan on my feet, to actually gain a tan elsewhere...aaaaaaaaand relax.
My dad is the hardest working man alive, no joke, and he needs a holiday. Stat.

So whilst I'm away, I'd love it if I could have a couple of guest bloggers! 
If you're interested, email me and I'll get back to you. 
Doesn't have to be about anything specific, just a good post :)

I am about 3 months behind on everybody, but I'm reading the Hunger Games.
How amazing are these books?!
I've read the first and half of the second in 2 days.. (when the footballs on, I turn to books ha)
I need to see the film!

Finally, a quick OOTD for you :)

Jeans: Primark
Top: Tesco
Belt: Who knows!
Giraffe Print feet...priceless.

Don't forget to let me know about guest blogging :)

Love, Elizabeth xx

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Confessions of a proud loser.

I have a confession, I am a loser,
But in a lovable sense, I'm proud of it.
I love learning, and history, I'm also embarrassingly obsessed with Made In Chelsea.

This is where today's post comes from, I had the best day catching up with my friend who I hadn't seen in 2 years! It's crazy, however due to get going to boarding school, me to uni and her living in Hong Kong during the holidays...we managed 2 years!
Our plan was to chill out in Hyde Park, but alas, the English weather did not agree. So my ultra cool suggestion of the Natural History Museum was finally accepted! Now, as I said..loser.
I love museums, I never tire of them.
Being in such close proximity of London meant that growing up I toured the museums every summer with my family, and now I'm the one that drags everyone else haha!

Unfortunately, my friend wasn't so enthusiastic about the museum, so we sat in the cafe for hours catching up and chatting. The museum's free and undercover, perfect!
During our hours of chat, we ended up on the topic of Made In Chelsea...and frozen yogurt!
Obviously the frozen yogurt was more exciting at this point, so we went to a place called Snog. What a clever name.
Now as well as being a loser, I'm also a child. All of the marketing for Snog, was "I fancy a snog" "I could do with a snog right now" etc etc. Maybe it's just me, but I found that incredibly funny, and clever marketing! Like, I won't forget it any time soon!

Anyways, whilst waiting for our frozen yogurt, we decided on an adventure to Chelsea! Just to feel like we stuck out like sore thumbs and we were very poor compared to everyone! Haha, that's the fun of it right?
So thank goodness for google may have taken me a very long time to figure out where it actually was, and the fact we had to follow the blue can imagine how awful an awful person with no direction is, times that by 10 and you get me!
Chelsea actually turned out to be fun, everyone looked posh, and like they 'belonged'. We attempted to find a shop featured on Made In Chelsea, and despite using 2 maps, we still had no idea. Im really not blessed in the directional stakes.

Since my friend had to go home, I decided to be the ultimate loser. I went to look round the museum by myself. For me, it's fascinating, like all the fossils and the history. How privileged me are to get to have all the articles and know all about the ancient times I find it all very exciting haha!
Although to be honest, after about 20 minutes I got too bored on my own haha! Will have to drag someone else there soon!

It's a beautiul building! Even nicer when it's not raining haha
The awesome dinosaur that stands in the entrance.

For my little London adventure, my OOTD:

Dress: New Look Kids Section
Generic Tights
Shoes: Dorothy Perkins
Belt: Dorothy Perkins
Shirt: Primark

I started writing this on the tube and a woman casually came an sat right on top of me, like literally. Why do people do that? When there's a whole lot of space...but they feel the need to encroach your personal bubble. How odd. Also, when I got on the tube, I put my iPod in and it was pretty loud but I couldn't be bothered to change it...then my iPod decided to play Busted....and then the tube went very quiet! Hope everyone in there all enjoyed a little Busted in their lives ;)

How are you lovely lot? Do you share my love of museums?

Love, Elizabeth xx

Monday, 18 June 2012

Something a Little Different.

Thought I'd do something a little different aka I was really bored and decided to play with my make up and face!
I realise I haven't got much make up, or even very good products. And I definitely do not have a clue how to apply it 'technically', I just watch tutorials, realise I have none of their products, and pretend I know what I'm doing and begin throwing things on my face!
So on a Monday afternoon, when I've done all I was supposed to do, and I'm alone in the house..this is what happens.
At first I was just going to clear out my make up, I had a lot of stuff that I'd collected over the year and either never touched or just don't use I laid it all out, and thought 'I know, I'll just wing it and see what happens'
The products I used:
  •  Eyeshadow Palette (was bought as a present and there's no label/brand on it)
    • Light yellow/neutral colour
    • Lilac-y colour
  • Rimmel Gel Eyeliner
  • Scandeleyes Collection 2000 Mascara
  • The Body Shop Cheek and Lip Tint
  • Barry M Thick Eyeliner Pencil (came free in a magazine, not sure if it's actually for sale!)
  • Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer
  • Revlon Get Glossy Lip Palette
 A little bit of what I did:
  • I used the yellow/neutral colour in the corner of my eyes to open them up and look brighter (nice little tip I learnt from FleurDeForce's £20 Make up challenge, thanks Fleur!)
  • I used both ends of my eyeliner pencil, the darker purple over my black eyeliner on my top lid, and then used the lighter pinky/shimmery shade over the ends, I used it on both my top and bottom lids to give it a little shimmer :)
  • I think mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow are self explainitory haha..
  • The Body Shop Lip and Cheek Tint served me well, I used it on my cheeks first - putting 3 dots of it and blending it in with my finger.
  • I also used it on my lips as a stain, and put the pale pink shade of gloss over the top just to make it a little more exciting. (I'm aware the picture of the gloss is gross, I've used it a lot..)

You can see the eyeliner pencil well in the top right hand corner picture!

My products :)

Finished article!
(before and after, hopefully the first..and last time I'll be on the internet face naked!)

Oh and as I was on a roll, I also used my Tresseme Heated rollers whilst I was doing it...gave my hair a little boost :)

Like I said, I don't have the first clue about the proper ways of make up, I'm learning and building a knowledge through beauty blogs and such, but my blog really isn't about make up at all haha..I just though I'd give it a go!

What do you think?

Love, Elizabeth xx

Tweet me: _lizabethstone
Instagram me: lizinadream
I'd love to follow you too :)

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Feeling like a spy and winter in June.

You know the feeling when technology fails you? Well, I've got that feeling.
My laptop (aka Larry) is very ill :( both the battery or the charger is broken which means that since it's battery has run out, it won't charge or even switch on, which makes me very sad!
Fortunately, I have a very lovely dad which after seeing me mourn the loss of my laptop for the past week and stalked him whilst he was on the main computer so I could get on there, he's set up his old work laptop for me hurrah!
So although this has taken me a very long time to type (how hard is it to type on a keyboard you're not familiar with?!), I am persevering haha!
Also, this laptop needs my finger print to turn on. How cool is that?! I feel like a spy!

So my instagram post as promised. Due to my blogging break, I missed an awful lot of 'week in instagrams' so I thought I'd start again from after my exams and the adventures beginning! Before that was only me moaning about revising anyways haha..
1) I got one very burnt arm! Not the rest of me, just that. It looked so odd it's unreal.  2) Bangor in the sun, celebratory shopping!  3) I watched the sunset, it was beaaaautiful!  4) Watching the Olympic flame, a little part of history.  5) Sunbathing <3  6) First BBQ of the year!  7) Aber Falls, one of the most breathtaking sights.  8) Us at Aber Falls :)  9) The state my room as I started packing.  10) That was only the stuff going home with me, I had no idea how I managed to accumilate so much stuff!  11) Once home, we went to a part I named 'White Deer Park' after a place in the Redwall books..they have deers :)  12) Imaginative name eh? Joys of Essex.  13) I had to take down my beautiful wall mural my flatmates gave me :(  14) I came home to a street party- we were so patriotic :)  15) My little indoor picnic, it rained outside. 
16) Erm, me :)

A little OOTD, I was dressed for winter- in reality, it was June. We have such weird weather in England.

Socks: Who knows
Jeans: Primark
Jumper: Charity Shop
(please ignored how messy under my bed is, its where everything gets dumped, inc my parents stuff!)

Now I've finally got a laptop and blogging facilities, I will definitely be getting back in the swing of it!
Unfortunately, I had a haul post and a couple OOTD posts planned but all the photos are on my laptop and this one doesn't have the right software. So eventually I will get them up!
Until then, my iPhone pictures will have to make do.

Last night I went on a little daddy-daughter date to the cinema! Something that never happens!
Don't get me wrong, I love my dad. But normally, we're just not on the same wave length.
But my brothers away and my mum had a meeting, so we went to see 'Snow White and the Huntsman', I genuinely thought it was really good! Despite what I usually go for, ie chic flicks and comedy, I do enjoy the odd adventure and fantasy film! It was a mix of quite a few films, like LOTR, Indiana Jones, Narnia and Kingdom of Heaven...but they were good films too! I loved how the film incorporated some of the fairy tale (and a few others too), esp the dwarfs... I have a special place in my heart for dwarfs haha!
Has anyone else seen it?

So, what have I missed in your lives? :)

Love, Elizabeth xx

Tweet me: _lizabethstone
Instagram me: lizinadream

Friday, 8 June 2012

B is for Blogging.

Apologises for taking so long in this, I have no excuse, just lots of things going on!

B is for Blogging.

A blog is a discussion or information site published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries

I entered the world of blogging 10 months ago (minus 4 days) and it's been a whirlwind. 
A blog is to share your personal thoughts and feelings to the world, to put yourself out there and take it how it is.
I read once on a blog that bloggers are amongst the bravest as they put their lives down on a plate, their thoughts and musings...and their pictures to a place which can be so cruel. That takes guts. Obviously I never thought of that until I read it, so I'm not sure I have those guts at all.
I admire those that reveal their secrets and their passions on the Internet, beit blogs or YouTube- it really is incredible.
To think that those people who are so talented at make up, or at design, that are so beautiful to model but have never done it- would never be seen or their talent shared if it weren't for the Internet.
I know people can be cruel, unfortunately that is life.
However I have had the privilege of 'meeting' the most amazing and beautiful souls ever.
I never thought that through a computer you could build up such a friendship. I often sit at my computer and wish I was actually with the people who's blogs I'm reading, so I could have a proper catch up with them, or so fully admire their outfit. I know people do meet ups and whatnot, but I'd love it if my blog friends were my real life friends too. 
It's crazy how much you can learn about people through a blog, I really do feel as if you're all my best friends! 
You share my thoughts and my emotions - probably more than a lot of my real world friends do and I wouldn't do it anywhere else. 
My blog is actually a secret- a couple of my friends know that I have one, but don't know what it is or can't find it through google (they've tried so much haha!). My family don't know
and I love to keep it that way- you're my friends.

That was mega rambly- but I wanted to thank you all, for being my friends. 

If I'm ever feeling down or anything, I just read blogs, it really cheers me up!
I'm not gonna name names cause it'll just get too embarrassing, but I feel like I've built up real relationships with some of you lot- and that's mega to me :)


The past couple of days have been so frustrating!!
Since I'm back at uni until September (minus working on a summer camp for 2 weeks), I obviously need a job. Well, I need something to take up my time and to give me money in exchange. i.e a job.
This is so much easier said than done!
I've applied for over 20 in my area, I've been rejected by 3, and heard nothing from the others. Every day I'm out and about giving out my CV's and praying that someone will want far, no such luck.
I'm beginning to think there's something majorly wrong with me! Like, it's not as i I can blame anyone else, that's why it's frustrating. It's me that can't get a job, so it's me that I'm annoyed at..

I'm still on uni bodyclock, which means I just don't feel tired at a normal time of uni it's fine, I'm with thousands of other students who are the same. At home, I'm the only one. So once my parents have gone to bed (they get up at 6 for work, they go to bed pretty early..) I have to fill up my time somehow right? 
I've started watching Made In Chelsea..and I love it.
It's such a guilty pleasure too, since Saturday I've gotten through the first series and I'm onto the second now!

Tomorrow, I'm getting up at 7am, to go to Ikea to have breakfast and go to Lakeside to look round the shops with my mumma. Extreme time yes, but so worth it. (Have you ever had Ikea's cooked breakfast?!)

Hope you're all well, 
my next post is going to be an Instagram catch up, I realise I haven't done it in about a may be a long one!
(and if anyone knows of any jobs in Essex, let me know ;) )
Love, Elizabeth xx

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

My First Year.

Crazy as it is- I've finished my first year of university!
And you've all been on this journey with me- every step of the way.

In September I was this scared, little just-turned 18 girl who couldn't wait to get out of Essex and wanted a new adventure.
And that's exactly what I got!
I've had the privilege to meet some incredible people. 
My flatmates who have become my family, my coursemates who have helped me, my friends in CU that have been never ever ending support, and the many many friends I've met on nights out and through other people, that make my day that little bit brighter.
It's hard to believe that just 8 months ago I didn't know any of them, but we were all plunged into this strange situation where we knew nobody and were forced to either make friends or become a recluse.

The memories I've made will last a lifetime,- I blogged throught the whole year so no doubt you'll know a lot of the memorable stories!
To name just a few;

Dressing up:
 as teenage Mutant Ninja Tutles with my flatmates
Post on it here!
As an elf, and a Christmas..thing?


(apologies for the photo on the right, I'm not sure what happened)

Nights Out

The guys
I wish I could take pictures of all the guys that have said or did weird things to me, although that would be beyond stalkerish haha. 
You're gonna have to make do with me telling you!
Creepy Nick- For the whole of the first semester he stared at me. Not just like casual subtle staring..full on staring. He's on my course and also lived in the building next to me, I couldn't get away. Once he actually walked backwards and stared, weird huh? 
That was before, now I'm happy to say we've gotten past the staring stage and we actually talk to eachother! It's awkward like 97% of the time because we both know he was a starer, but anythings better than the feeling of being watched!
Creepy Tom- Oh Creepy Tom, I was sitting down having a break in a club once and he came to sit next to me. He asked whether he could kiss me, I said no obviously. So he took it upon himself to stroke..that's right, stroke my chin and asked if taking me out to dinner would make a difference. I'm still waiting on that dinner! (He also has bright white brick trainers which are hilarious!)
The guy who proposed- Mentioned not too long ago, this guy asked me to marry him in a club, was very enthusiastic about me moving to India too!
*The guy that shall not be named*- Quite frankly, he doesn't deserve to be named. He was a silly head who took it upon himself to hurt my feelings, quite a lot. (I did write about him in previous posts!) However, my fabulous flatmate spotted him whilst we were out one night and decided to take revenge. She went over and 'accidently' pushed him over, childish yes. But it felt good.
Gez- He was silly too haha, but hilariously so. It was the week after freshers and he was very determined to come home with me. So he managed to walk back to my building with me and my friends, and kept on trying. In the end, I told him I would kiss him if he could tell me my name. What did he say? Melissa. 
The various chat up lines- Some guy tried to persuade me and my friend he was from Iceland, instead he worked there. "You're a pretty face, I'm Paul".

The Dates
I went on a date with a frog obsessed guy who took me to a graveyard, he told me it was just going to be a nice walk. He took me through pitch black lanes and down lots of slopes until we got to the graveyard. Creeped out isn't the word. (He was my friends flatmate, so I trusted him, wasn't a complete stranger!) He spoke about frogs the whole way, telling me how cute and fluffy they were. Errr no.
This guy, I actually met the night I was dressed as a turtle and he asked me out after that. So somehow, he actually was attracted to me AS A TURTLE! A sign of strange obsessions, ie frogs? haha.
The next date needs no introduction. It was indeed, Pale face and Red Lipstick guy. 
I get teased about this a lot, simply because it was in fact, the most hilariously awful date ever ever ever in the history of the world. 
If you want to read about it (which if you want to smile or laugh- I fully recommend) it's here.

The adventures

The people
I don't know how many of you believe in God, or fate, or things being meant to be.
But how weird is it to think that if you weren't in that particular place, at that particular time, you wouldn't have met the people you did. 
Say meeting your boyfriend was a chance meeting, what if you weren't there at that very moment, would you still be together? 
That's how I see my friends, if we hadn't had all chosen Bangor University we would never have met each other, and wouldn't have been part of our lives.
For example, my best friend Zara. She wanted to go to Sheffield, but missed out by one grade, 2 measly marks which made a complete difference. But if she'd had gotten in, I wouldn't have met her and we wouldn't be best friends. 
One of my other friends got in through clearing, if he had have gotten the grades he wanted- we wouldn't be in each others lives at all. 
It's crazy to think like that, but I know that in this massive world, with billions and billions of people. That all my friends were in Bangor for a reason, and I've been lucky enough to know them and form relationships. I really have met the most amazing people ever, and I could never deny that. 
Yes things are tough sometimes, and yes there are people that I wish never shared my happy place in Bangor- but I've had the best year of my life so far. 

I hope you've enjoyed my first year of university as well as I have! 
Here's hoping 2nd and 3rd year are just as great.

Love, Elizabeth xxx

Nb. All photos are mine. Please do not use them without my permission.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Get To Know Me Tag and Going Out With A Bang.

So whilst I was away I was tagged by two lovely ladies for the Get To Know You Tag!
I was first given it by Elicia at fallinglashes, who is just lovely through and through. I've only recently began a blogging friendship with Elicia, but absolutely adore the way she writes, and the content of her blog- definitely go check her out! Also she lives rather near to me whilst I'm at university, so she knows exactly what I'm talking about when I talk about the weirdos in occy haha.
I was then tagged by Tasmaniaaa at tasminaaa, who is also a very beautiful girlie, she again like Elicia, has a real talent for blogging, and her reviews and beauty advice is definitely something I take on board. Check her out too :)

On to the tag!
1) Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog
2) Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus eleven questions for the people you have tagged to answer
3) Choose eleven people and link them to your tag
4) Go to their page and tell them
5) No tag backs.

So my 11 facts are:
  • I've only noticed recently that nobody can actually dance well, standing in a night club being surrounded by people who are waving their arms, wiggling to random beats. It's a strange concept. (bar people who can actually dance haha, I meant in clubs etc)
  • There really must be something wrong with me, I continually to make a fool out of myself in every situation..often injuring other people in the process. I don't know whats happened!
  • I sunburn easily...very easily.
  • I have a memory box which I keep momentos of special things underneath my bed, and I love to sit on the floor and surround myself by all the things.
  • I've only recently become obsessed with painting my nails, since I've come to uni I find it so hard to not have painted nails.
  • Everyday I try to drink lots of water, it usually gets to about 11am and I've given up refilling my glass.
  • I accidently once followed a lady into a disabled toilet, she was so scared and screamed "rape"...see what I mean about something wrong with me?
  • I've become obsessed with biscuits since coming to university.
  • I name literally my laptop, my phone
  • I went on a date last year where he took me to a graveyard when it was pitch black, and all he talked about was frogs...all night.
  • On Sunday I watched the sunset over Anglesey- it was beautiful.
 Aaand the questions that I was set:
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
Chocolate Hobnobs!!
But only if I didn't have to do masses amount of excersise to work them off haha!
I adore chocolate hobnobs! In fact, tonight I've been on my own in the flat and at 10pm I decided to go to the 24hr newsagents down the road to buy some haha.

Have you got any tatoos? If not, would you like one?
I haven't got one at the moment. But I'd really love 'love' written in hebrew on my back. Which would look something like this אהבה
(if google is to believed, obviously I'd get it properly translated if I were to actually have it haha)
I'm too scared of needles to get it done, but hopefully one day I'll pluck up the courage to get it :)

What is your one staple clothing item?

 This make me a little sad, simply because I lost my staple clothing item on Tuesday!
I left the club with my cardigan (I think) and I only realised on Wednesday morning that I didn't have it :( I've no idea where it went, I'm pretty sure it must have fallen off my bag. 
Anyway, it was a plain black cardigan, just a simple button up one.
But it went with EVERYTHING, and I loved it- I'd had it since I was about 13 (it was too small really, I just couldn't bare to throw it away)
Do you have any bad habits?
Probably! I eat way too many biscuits, does that count? 
I would say it is probably not being able to stand living or being in dirty or messy rooms but I don't actually tidy my room very often and becomes a mess! I hate it when it's messy, I just always find an excuse not to it!

If you were reincarnated into an animal, what would you be and why?
I would be a Fennec Fox! They're so cute and tiny, but run SO fast and can hide really easily. I think they're really deceiving because of their difference of appearance/personality, and I think I'm like that- people assume I'm some really quiet person who doesn't really care about much- like so laid back. But I'm the complete opposite haha!

Do you think money is happiness?
No way! How can money give you happiness? Love and kindness is all you need to be happy I think. Being surrounded by those you love and being able to laugh like nobodies business. That's what makes memories. Obviously, money enables things like that, such as going on holiday with those you love. But without money people can be just as happy and maybe even happier!

Are you OCD about anything?
I don't think so! I guess I am when I'm on public transport, especially the tube. I hate touching the rails or handles because once you think about the germs, you can't get rid of that image!! So I'm especially careful not to touch anything haha! Requires an amazing balancing act!

Have you even been abroad?
Yes I have :) I have been very fortunate! 
I have been to France on day trips with my family, and to Paris with my school in year 9. I went to Germany with my school in year 11, I've been to Portugal twice on holiday and also Malta twice! Not forgetting my amazing trip to Russia!

Do you speak any foreign languages?
No, unfortunately I wasn't blessed with an ability to pick up languages very well. I learnt German and French at school, but I didn't exactly take to it that well. I picked up some Russian whilst I was there, but I can't remember any! 

What is your favourite nail polish colour?
I think it's Coral! I love Coral colours, they're so bright and happy! My favourite shade right now is Coralicious by Rimmel.

If you could be anyone for a day who would you be and why?
Hmmmm, taking this question to the extreme, and I'll cheat a little as they're not actually alive anymore. But I would be Princess Diana, she really was such an inspiration- all the charity work she did and being such a lovely person! I really wish I could have been a fly on the wall for her life, she did such good things, and really made 2 lovely sons!

Now my questions to you!
1) What's your favourite place in the world to be?
2) If you could choose a celebrity to be best friends with, who would it be?
3) Do your family and friends know about your blog?
4) Do you have a daily skin routine?
5) What's your favourite film?
6) What's your favourite season?
7) If you could be any of the 6 friends in 'friends' who would you be?
8) What is the most exotic place you've been?
9) What's your favourite thing about being a blogger?
10) If you had to choose, would you rather wear skirts or jeans for the rest of your life?
11) What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought for yourself? 

I tag:
Country Girl, City Life

I hope you all do it! I look forward to reading your answers!

Now, it's come to that time when everyone is leaving Bangor for the summer, booo :(
I will confess, I am really looking forward to going home, but only because nobody will be in Bangor! I'm gonna really miss it, the people, the life, the beautiful surroundings. I know I'll be back in summer (and hopefully not in August for re-sits!) but it's still sad to be leaving. Especially knowing I wont see people for 3/4 months! :( 
So we wanted to go out with a bang, and I guess we did. We went out Tuesday and Wednesday.. and they were both such good nights out - sorta bittersweet considering I had to say bye to a lot of people those nights. I've spent the past 2 days saying bye, and it does suck. But knowing I'll see them in September is a lovely thought!
I'm definitely going to do a post on my first year of uni- so look out for that! 
For now, this is what I wore on Wednesday! 

I wont lie- I went shopping on Wednesday to buy a dress cause I felt a little worse for wear. This is what I came home with!
Now, I am aware that in the picture to the left, I do look drunk. I can assure you I wasn't!! 
But considering the amount of pictures I took to attempt to not look drunk, and that was the least bad...I'm not sure what happened!
Dress: New Look (kids section) £17.99 
I got it for less with my 10% Student Discount!
Eyeliner: Rimmel Gel Eyeliner
Mascara- ScandalEyes Mascara Extreme Black
Cheeks- The Body Shop Lip&cheek Tint
Lipstick - Miss Sporty 058 Malaga

It was a fun night, the club obviously wasn't expecting it to be that busy so they only opened half of it- and boy was it warm in there!! All the proper photos taken make it looks so sweaty and sticky in there, attractive right?
A couple of stories from the 2 nights:
When I was walking out of the club on Tuesday, a guy grabbed me and told me I was coming home with him! I was like errrrrr, and my 2 guy mates ran up to him and was like er mate you know she's married right? Guess what he said, "so what?" that's right, so what!! He didn't even care, so my mates spent like 10 minutes trying to prise his hand off my arm to let me go free, how rude is that!
I don't know why guys think they have the right to do that, like at all.
As well as him, another guy came up to me and was likie "I saw you at Bangor train station earlier, didn't I?" I was like, er no that wasn't me! He was so insistant too, and I was like no it wasn't me!! So then he described what 'I' was wearing earlier, and told me who I was with..he just didn't take no for an answer! Again, rude!
On Wednesday, this guy came up to me and started talking to me, which was fine obviously. And then he asked where I was from, I said Essex, and of course got the usual reaction of laughing. They all do- it's somehting I get used to! But instead of asking th general question about being like the stereotypical Essex girl- ie TOWIE. He decided to say "Oh that means you're common then"
Excuse me?!
He continued, listing all the reasons I was common.
Seriously, guys need to learn some respect! 

Tomorrow I have to start on the mammoth task of packing up all my things's going to be a long day!

(also by the sheer amount of times I've mentioned biscuits in this post, you must know my obsession!)

Love, Elizabeth xx