It feels like it's been forever since I've blogged, in reality it's probably only been a couple of days.
I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas, and you got to spend it with the ones that you love!
This year I was a very spoilt girly and was very blessed, and I am very thankful for everyone to gave me gifts.
I'm not sure on doing the whole 'this is what I got!' thing as it seems a little showy off to me, however if you would like to see, please comment and tell me and I shall :)
Christmas in my house isn't a massive affair usually, but as me and my brother don't live at home anymore, this years emphasis was on spending time together, which I think although we attempt to do each year, we fail due to being very materialistic! But this year we've managed to really value our family and visited lots of them as well as managing to spend time with them :)
I went to my aunts house on Christmas day as usual and we playing 'Million Pound Drop' in game form, it took me at least 15 minutes to put together the board as I actually had to make the desk with the flaps and things. Which caused much hilarity as I attempted to make it. But we had a nice time and is tradition.
I went to my aunts house on Christmas day as usual and we playing 'Million Pound Drop' in game form, it took me at least 15 minutes to put together the board as I actually had to make the desk with the flaps and things. Which caused much hilarity as I attempted to make it. But we had a nice time and is tradition.
I spent boxing day with my immediate family, eating LOADS, and watching all the Christmas TV we didn't see when we were at my aunts, which was the best. That is what I love about Christmas, we also watched Bridesmaids which I got for Christmas, it is hilarious! Me and my mum went to see it for my birthday in August, but I forgot how funny it was! Does everyone else think its that funny or is it just me haha?
My mum had to go back to work on Boxing day, but only for the morning, and has been working all week until 4, so it's just been my dad and my brother (and me!) in, which has been nice to spend time with them, although I miss my mum when she's at work!!
I have a couple of photos to share from Christmas Day:
The first I think is funny, we have a tradition on Christmas Eve where we get to open a present of pj's so we can wear them on Christmas morning, this year, mine were in the form of Dalmatian Print! I know they're not officially Dalmatian related, but I think they look like they are. And I also got a gilet from my brother, and together, I thought I looked like a dog in a little jacket haha .

The next one is my outfit of Christmas Day! I got the outfit for Christmas :)

I went to see New Years Eve with my two best friends from church last night and thought it was fab! I wasn't expecting it to be very good I'll admit, but it surprised me with it's storylines and the face that it was also funny!

In my university CU, we did this thing where we each wrote a poem or a prayer on a piece of paper, folded it up and put a Christmas tag on it signing our names. We then put them all in a box and took one out at random and put it under our tree. On Christmas Day we opened it up and it reminded us the real reason for Christmas and why we have these celebrations as we so often forget. I thought this was a really good idea, and I opened mine up at about 7:00am on Christmas Day (I reverted back to a 7 year old this year and woke up 5 times during the night and eventually settled on being awake at 6:30 haha) and was so glad I had. It really reminded me of God's gift to the world, and that He put his almighty self in the form of a baby who couldn't even see 10 inches ahead of himself to die for us. Here was mine, I hope you find it as special as I did :)

My mum had to go back to work on Boxing day, but only for the morning, and has been working all week until 4, so it's just been my dad and my brother (and me!) in, which has been nice to spend time with them, although I miss my mum when she's at work!!
I have a couple of photos to share from Christmas Day:
The first I think is funny, we have a tradition on Christmas Eve where we get to open a present of pj's so we can wear them on Christmas morning, this year, mine were in the form of Dalmatian Print! I know they're not officially Dalmatian related, but I think they look like they are. And I also got a gilet from my brother, and together, I thought I looked like a dog in a little jacket haha .
The next one is my outfit of Christmas Day! I got the outfit for Christmas :)
I went to see New Years Eve with my two best friends from church last night and thought it was fab! I wasn't expecting it to be very good I'll admit, but it surprised me with it's storylines and the face that it was also funny!

In my university CU, we did this thing where we each wrote a poem or a prayer on a piece of paper, folded it up and put a Christmas tag on it signing our names. We then put them all in a box and took one out at random and put it under our tree. On Christmas Day we opened it up and it reminded us the real reason for Christmas and why we have these celebrations as we so often forget. I thought this was a really good idea, and I opened mine up at about 7:00am on Christmas Day (I reverted back to a 7 year old this year and woke up 5 times during the night and eventually settled on being awake at 6:30 haha) and was so glad I had. It really reminded me of God's gift to the world, and that He put his almighty self in the form of a baby who couldn't even see 10 inches ahead of himself to die for us. Here was mine, I hope you find it as special as I did :)
I hope you can read that, if not and you'd like to know what it says, let me know and I'll type it out :)
I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas and are enjoying the holidays!
My next post will be a VERY awkward but hilarious story that happened on Christmas Eve!
I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas and are enjoying the holidays!
My next post will be a VERY awkward but hilarious story that happened on Christmas Eve!
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