I'm home!
I'm an Essex girl in Essex again! :D
On Saturday I was reunited with my parents at Euston and it was beautifuuuul!!
Being home is amazing, yet cold. We have loaads of heating in Wales as it's so cold, but not at home, so I'm wearing lots of layers.. but I don't care, cause I'm home! :)
On Saturday evening I went to a nativity at my church with all the little children, was SO CUTE.
It was called 'Born in a Barn' and they were basically all dressed as animals in the scene that Jesus was born, rather than the usual Mary and Joseph and 3 kings.
The angels were all the little ones, and they were gorgeous dressed up in white dressed (there was one boy who wasn't in a dress haha) and tinsel in their hair. Cuteness.
Going to church again was so lovely, as I got to see eveyone and feel like I belonged again!
On Monday we went to pick up my brother (YAY!)
(My brother's doing a leadership course at an organisation called 'Soul Survivor', he's working for the church and with the young people within it, He's going to Malaysia and Australia next year as part of his course, so jel.)
Going to church again was so lovely, as I got to see eveyone and feel like I belonged again!
On Monday we went to pick up my brother (YAY!)
(My brother's doing a leadership course at an organisation called 'Soul Survivor', he's working for the church and with the young people within it, He's going to Malaysia and Australia next year as part of his course, so jel.)
Before we both left, me and my brother were really close, we usually go in phases, but we'd gotten to the we're best friends stage. So leaving him was really really hard.
But we went to pick him up from his flat house thing and bought him home.
I even watched Indiana Jones because he wanted to and it was his first night home, that's how much I missed him. (admittedly it wasn't that bad, I was just very tired and missed a few bits so it didn't make so much sense)
Today was high emotions.
I even watched Indiana Jones because he wanted to and it was his first night home, that's how much I missed him. (admittedly it wasn't that bad, I was just very tired and missed a few bits so it didn't make so much sense)
Today was high emotions.
We went to see my nan in her home (she's very ill, dementia, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's all rolled into one), of course it's always nice to see her. But it's also really sad, as my mum always gets upset as my nan never knows who we are, and obviously that's hard coming from the woman who bought her up and well, her mum.
Then we went to lunch with my aunt, uncle and second cousin who I hadn't seen in a year or so, which was nice. But obviously the topic of conversation as always was my nan.
In the afternoon we went on a tour of cemeteries! I know, could not think of anything else to cheer us up haha! We visited my mum's dad, who I only have one memory of as he died when I was 4. Although it's a very happy memory of sitting on his lap. We then visited my dad's parents who died when he was quite young, so I never met, as well as both sets of grandparents, who again died before I was born.
Then we went to lunch with my aunt, uncle and second cousin who I hadn't seen in a year or so, which was nice. But obviously the topic of conversation as always was my nan.
In the afternoon we went on a tour of cemeteries! I know, could not think of anything else to cheer us up haha! We visited my mum's dad, who I only have one memory of as he died when I was 4. Although it's a very happy memory of sitting on his lap. We then visited my dad's parents who died when he was quite young, so I never met, as well as both sets of grandparents, who again died before I was born.
It was really sad, as although I never met them, therefore couldn't miss them. It's sad that I never could meet them, never have little chats with them, sit on their knee, or have Christmas with them. Anything that other people get. My dad never talks about his parents, as they both died in pain, so it's not good memories.

That's been my week so far.
Tomorrow we're going up to London to see the lights and sing carols in Trafalgar Square, which should be good family christmas times :)
How is everybody else's weeks going? xxx
Tomorrow we're going up to London to see the lights and sing carols in Trafalgar Square, which should be good family christmas times :)
How is everybody else's weeks going? xxx
welcome home! x